The bare minimum of what you need to know


our services


This website has a plethora of good info, including schedules, courses, and more.
Pairings, teams, betting games, coming soon to the site.

However, if you don't feel like going through all of that. Just follow the below.

Trip Dates

08/15/24 - 08/18/24

Flight info

Recommended flights


UA (United) 2269 - Nonstop - Aug 15 Departs from DEN at 9:48am MST, Arrives in RDU at 3:13pm EST.
SW (Southwest) 2447 - Nonstop Aug 15 Departs from DEN at 10:05am MST, Arrives in RDU at 3:25pm EST.


UA (United) 448 - Nonstop - Aug 18 Departs from RDU at 4:15pm EST, Arrives in DEN at 6:10pm MST.
SW (Southwest) 2974 Nonstop - Aug 18 Departs from RDU at 5:25pm EST, Arrives in DEN at 7:00pm MST.

Estimated Trip Costs $

  • Golf and lodging - $1000~ + tax (caddie fees extra) - Create an acct with Talamore 100 dollars deducted immediatly and remainder deducted at check in - 4 days/ 3 nights- 5 - 18 hole rounds.
  • Food + Drinks -  $ 350 - all dinners except for Saturday night will be grilled at the cabin, lunches purchased on site, breakfast is also provided by the lodging company. This is an estimated out of pocket cost for all dinners + alcohol
  • Flight - $450 -from denver
  • Transportation $200 - includes shuttles to and from airport and shuttles to golf courses daily.
For the noobs to the trip, or really for anyone that needs a reminder. This is a fun trip amongst buddies. We take our golf seriously, but not too seriously. Changing weather conditions, the economy and a variety of factors may cause us to pivot our plans, please have some flexibility and try to have a good time no matter what. REMEMBER, IT'S JUST GOLF


If you have a good idea for swag, please contact the commissioner

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